• Faculty
  • Lana Oweidat
  • Lana Oweidat

    Associate ProfessorProfessional and Creative Writing

    Lana Oweidat是云顶集团伦理与领导力的高级教授. She is 同时也是副教授和写作中心主任. She completed 她拥有修辞学和写作博士学位,并持有女性研究生证书, gender, and sexuality studies from Ohio University. In addition to serving as an associate 写作主任兼学生写作中心助理主任 Ohio University, she taught a wide range of courses in English; women, gender, and sexuality studies; and the Honors Tutorial College. At Goucher, she teaches writing 以及强调社会正义的修辞学课程. Her research focuses 关于跨国女权主义修辞学、反伊斯兰恐惧症教学法和导师培训. 她对多语言写作也很感兴趣,特别是在语言学和语言学方面 多语作家和教师的文化谈判.

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    Oweidat, Lana. "奥马尔·本·哈塔卜给阿布·穆萨·阿什阿里的信.” Global Rhetorical Traditions, edited by Hui Wu and Tarez Samra Graban. Parlor Press, 2022.

    Oweidat, Lana. “Islamic Ethos: Examining Sources of Authority.” Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric, special issue of Humanities, vol. 8, no.4, 2019. http://doi.org/10.3390/h8040170

    Oweidat, Lana. 打破空洞的多元文化主义:对批判性交叉的呼吁 Approaches to our Feminisms.” Peitho digital insert, vol. 22, no.1, Fall/Winter 2019. http://actionhour2019.cfshrc.org/lana-oweidat/

    Oweidat, Lana. 《学生的声音:克服语言和文化障碍 Language Academic Writer.” Teaching with a Global Perspective:从课程设计到评估的实践策略, edited by Dawn Bikownski and Talinn Philips. Routledge, 2019.

    Oweidat, Lana and Lydia McDermott. “Neither Safe nor Brave: Empathetic Interventions in Tutor Training.” Writing Centers as Brave/r Spaces, special issue of The Peer Review, vol. 1, no. 2, 2017. http://thepeerreview-iwca.org/issues/braver-spaces/

    Oweidat, Lana. Readings on Writing (edited textbook). With B. David Bruce, Rebecca Lachman, Albert Rouzie, John H. Whicker, Sherrie Gradin, and Matthew Vetter. 2nd ed. Van-Griner Press, 2014.

    Upcoming Scholarly Works

    Oweidat, Lana and Tamara Issak. "Fulfilling Allah’s Trust: Rhetorics of Amannah as a Foundation for Social Change." 多元文化的素养:坚持不懈和宜居未来的工具,由罗密欧García、Damián巴卡和艾伦库什曼编辑. University of Pittsburgh Press. Accepted.

    Oweidat, Lana. 《站在十字路口:变革委员会和CCCC的声音.” 詹妮尔·詹宁斯-亚历山大,伯尼斯·奥利瓦斯,玛拉·李·格雷森,特伦特·M. Kays, Ashanka Kumari, Lana Oweidat, Christina V. Cedillo, and Caitlyn McKay. 网络理论、社会公正和写作项目管理中的超系统. Eds. Genesea Carter, Aurora Matzke和Bonnie Vidrine-Isbell. Accepted. 

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    “Can We Do Better? 打造不可能的联盟,挑战新自由主义格局,” 女权主义研讨会的年度活动由女权主义核心小组赞助. Conference on College Composition and Communication. April 7, 2021.

    《云顶集团》.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 25-28, 2020. Presentation cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

    导航有争议的空间:导师教育的反种族主义方法.” Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference. Towson, MD. March 7, 2020.

    “作为生活经历体现阿拉伯和穆斯林身份”.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA. March 15, 2019.

     打破空洞的多元文化主义:对批判性交叉方法的呼吁 to our Feminisms.修辞学和作文史上的女性主义学者联盟. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA. March 13, 2019.

    “All Our Relations: Teaching Social Justice Movements.” Conference on College Composition 沟通:语言、劳动与转化. Kansas City, MO. March 14, 2018.

     “令人不安的跨国团结:颠覆伊斯兰恐惧症教学法”." National Women's Studies Conference. Baltimore, Maryland. November 18, 2017.

    权力、伦理与反恐战争:拯救的修辞与 Cultural Relativism.“大学写作与交际:培养”研讨会 Capacity, Creating Change. Portland, Oregon. March 17, 2016.

    反伊斯兰恐惧症教学法:全球公民、跨国女权主义和修辞 Education.《云顶集团》 for Action. Houston, TX. April 8, 2016

    《云顶集团》 and Pedagogy,” upcoming conference, 66th 美国坦帕大学写作与传播年会 FL, March 18-21, 2015.

    在课堂中重新制造性别跨文化相遇:阈限空间,焦虑 Tensions, and Ethical Engagement.“在女权主义和修辞学会议上发表: Women’s Ways of Making. Tempe, AZ. October 29, 2015. 

    “在课堂上遇到穆斯林他者的面孔:穆斯林的其他要求。 an Ethical Response,” Thomas R. 沃森会议,路易斯维尔大学,路易斯维尔 Kentucky, October 16-18, 2014.

    “颠覆西方的目光:呼吁一种(不加掩饰的)修辞”,” 第65届大学写作与传播大会 Indianapolis, Indiana, March 19-22, 2014.

    Home Pages: Archiving Domestic Rhetors,” with Dr. Lydia McDermott, Blurring Boundaries: 开放的修辞空间(会前工作坊),第65届国际学术年会 大学作文与交流会议,印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州,三月 19-22, 2014.

    “A Movable Border: The Veil as Gendered Ethos,” 16th 2014年5月22-26日,德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥,美国修辞学会年会.“Mapping 《云顶集团》,第64届学术年会 2013年3月13日至16日,内华达州拉斯维加斯,大学作文与交流.

    “无约束跨国教育学”,全国妇女研究协会,奥克兰; California, November 8-11, 2012.

    “注意差距:中国非母语作文教师的文化谈判” American University,” Thomas R. 沃森会议,路易斯维尔大学,路易斯维尔 Kentucky, October 18-20, 2012.

    “建立跨越国界的‘不可能的联盟’”,第63届大会 on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, Missouri, March 21-24, 2012.

    焦虑空间:建构、历史化和语境化图像和故事 差异性和差异性”,女权主义和修辞学会议,明尼苏达州 University, Mankato, Minnesota, October 12-15, 2011.

    “接触区”非西方教师的混合声音”,41st 3月25-27日,美国大学英语协会(CEA)年会在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市举行。 2010.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    National Council of Teachers of English

    College Composition and Communication

    International Writing Centers Association

    The Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association

    National Women’s Studies Association

    Council of Writing Program Administrators